Henry pointed out that the IVS checker that poopli uses to let you know if your IVS is working was relying exclusively on the offical ReplayTV RDDNS service, which is currently down. I modified it so it looks at the backup service too.
fbreshears pointed out that under some circumstances the show picker was not offering you recordings that had temporarily disappeared from guide data and then come back. I fixed it.
Henry pointed out that under some circumstances the show picker was offering you recordings that had been deleted. I fixed that.
When I rolled out the show request change, I broke poopli for about 12 hours, until someone thoughtfully pointed it out. I improved the monitoring.
I tried to request a show and almost went crazy trying to use a touchpad with the single big listbox for "show name". I added something that makes you specify the 1st character of the name first, so that the listbox is more manageable. Let me know if that's considered an improvement or not.
Sending users weren't able to send poop-tweets while the send was actually in progress (likely example: "Hey, did you receive that show I sent several months ago?"). Somebody pointed out this oversight and I fixed it.
Poopli was inaccessible for a few hours because the datacenter cleaning staff unplugged an ethernet cable whilst vacuuming. I discovered the free uptimerobot.com service.
Archie, who built and maintained the original poopli,com until its unfortunate demise (Archie's announcement is here) has graciously given us the poopli.com domain. Because of this, it's no longer
Henry pointed out that under some circumstances the show picker was offering you recordings that had been deleted. I fixed that.
When I rolled out the show request change, I broke poopli for about 12 hours, until someone thoughtfully pointed it out. I improved the monitoring.
I tried to request a show and almost went crazy trying to use a touchpad with the single big listbox for "show name". I added something that makes you specify the 1st character of the name first, so that the listbox is more manageable. Let me know if that's considered an improvement or not.
Sending users weren't able to send poop-tweets while the send was actually in progress (likely example: "Hey, did you receive that show I sent several months ago?"). Somebody pointed out this oversight and I fixed it.
Poopli was inaccessible for a few hours because the datacenter cleaning staff unplugged an ethernet cable whilst vacuuming. I discovered the free uptimerobot.com service.
Archie, who built and maintained the original poopli,com until its unfortunate demise (Archie's announcement is here) has graciously given us the poopli.com domain. Because of this, it's no longer necessary to fuss with faking out your DNS for guide uploads to work.
The Manage ReplayTVs page now tells you about unregistered ReplayTV's that are uploading guide information from the same IP address as you. Perhaps they're yours?
If there's an extremely recent version of WiRNS on either end of an IVS transfer, you should now see the product of some WiRNS/Poopli cooperation: automatic reporting of transfer progress in the "Manage Show Requests" screen. Progress is reported in percent complete, along with an ETA in the form of a date (currently a "local time" for whichever wirns is reporting, so it's little ambiguous). ETA may also appear as "Receive Error", I think.
This may be a good reason to consider asking your WiRNS instance to update itself. After updating, you have to go into the IVS Configuration page and enable "Update Poopli with IVS progress".
When you pick a show in the show picker, the air date of the particular instance you chose is sent to the responding poopli-er. This is for those of you that have multiple different recordings of the same episode of a show, and those of you that care which one you're getting.
By popular demand, it is now possible to send a little message to the other party in a request. In the "manage requests" page, you click the Other radio button, type a little message in the box, and hit update. It's pretty crude. Can't remember what you sent? Status is now a link that takes you to a page that chronicles the request's history. Use your browser's back button to return from whence you came. Let me know what I got wrong; It's quite possible that the request roles are reversed, RTV names are wrong, etc. History for requests from the beginning of time was backfilled based on logs, but it's not perfect. Past requests may not have history, but future requests should have complete histories. You are supposed to be able to see history for requests in which you are a participant, but not those that only concern other people.
The messages only get sent if you select the "Other:" radio button! I'll have to do something about that.
Replaytvs are now identified by name (if they have one) in more places. That's for Henry.
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